Better Compression of String(LeetCode 3167):


You are given a string compressed representing a compressed version of a string. The format is a character followed by its frequency. For example, "a3b1a1c2" is a compressed version of the string "aaabacc".

We seek a better compression with the following conditions:

  1. Each character should appear only once in the compressed version.
  2. The characters should be in alphabetical order.

Return the better compression of compressed.

Note: In the better version of compression, the order of letters may change, which is acceptable.


Example 1:

Input: compressed = "a3c9b2c1"

Output: "a3b2c10"


Characters "a" and "b" appear only once in the input, but "c" appears twice, once with a size of 9 and once with a size of 1.

Hence, in the resulting string, it should have a size of 10.

Example 2:

Input: compressed = "c2b3a1"

Output: "a1b3c2"

Example 3:

Input: compressed = "a2b4c1"

Output: "a2b4c1"



  • 1 <= compressed.length <= 6 * 104
  • compressed consists only of lowercase English letters and digits.
  • compressed is a valid compression, i.e., each character is followed by its frequency.
  • Frequencies are in the range [1, 104] and have no leading zeroes.