Class Performance(LeetCode 2989):


Table: Scores

| Column Name  | Type    |
| student_id   | int     |
| student_name | varchar |
| assignment1  | int     |
| assignment2  | int     |
| assignment3  | int     |
student_id is column of unique values for this table.
This table contains student_id, student_name, assignment1, assignment2, and assignment3.

Write a solution to calculate the difference in the total score (sum of all 3 assignments) between the highest score obtained by students and the lowest score obtained by them.

Return the result table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Scores table:
| student_id | student_name | assignment1 | assignment2 | assignment3 |
| 309        | Owen         | 88          | 47          | 87          |
| 321        | Claire       | 98          | 95          | 37          |     
| 338        | Julian       | 100         | 64          | 43          |  
| 423        | Peyton       | 60          | 44          | 47          |  
| 896        | David        | 32          | 37          | 50          | 
| 235        | Camila       | 31          | 53          | 69          | 
| difference_in_score | 
| 111                 | 
- student_id 309 has a total score of 88 + 47 + 87 = 222.
- student_id 321 has a total score of 98 + 95 + 37 = 230.
- student_id 338 has a total score of 100 + 64 + 43 = 207.
- student_id 423 has a total score of 60 + 44 + 47 = 151.
- student_id 896 has a total score of 32 + 37 + 50 = 119.
- student_id 235 has a total score of 31 + 53 + 69 = 153.
student_id 321 has the highest score of 230, while student_id 896 has the lowest score of 119. Therefore, the difference between them is 111.