Concatenate the Name and the Profession(LeetCode 2504):


Table: Person

| Column Name | Type    |
| person_id   | int     |
| name        | varchar |
| profession  | ENUM    |
person_id is the primary key (column with a unique value) for this table.
Each row in this table contains a person's ID, name, and profession.
The profession column in an enum of the type ('Doctor', 'Singer', 'Actor', 'Player', 'Engineer', or 'Lawyer')


Write a solution to report each person's name followed by the first letter of their profession enclosed in parentheses.

Return the result table ordered by person_id in descending order.

The result format is shown in the following example.


Example 1:

Person table:
| person_id | name  | profession |
| 1         | Alex  | Singer     |
| 3         | Alice | Actor      |
| 2         | Bob   | Player     |
| 4         | Messi | Doctor     |
| 6         | Tyson | Engineer   |
| 5         | Meir  | Lawyer     |
| person_id | name     |
| 6         | Tyson(E) |
| 5         | Meir(L)  |
| 4         | Messi(D) |
| 3         | Alice(A) |
| 2         | Bob(P)   |
| 1         | Alex(S)  |
Explanation: Note that there should not be any white space between the name and the first letter of the profession.