Create a Session Bar Chart(LeetCode 1435):


Table: Sessions

| Column Name         | Type    |
| session_id          | int     |
| duration            | int     |
session_id is the column of unique values for this table.
duration is the time in seconds that a user has visited the application.


You want to know how long a user visits your application. You decided to create bins of "[0-5>", "[5-10>", "[10-15>", and "15 minutes or more" and count the number of sessions on it.

Write a solution to report the (bin, total).

Return the result table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Sessions table:
| session_id  | duration      |
| 1           | 30            |
| 2           | 199           |
| 3           | 299           |
| 4           | 580           |
| 5           | 1000          |
| bin          | total        |
| [0-5>        | 3            |
| [5-10>       | 1            |
| [10-15>      | 0            |
| 15 or more   | 1            |
For session_id 1, 2, and 3 have a duration greater or equal than 0 minutes and less than 5 minutes.
For session_id 4 has a duration greater or equal than 5 minutes and less than 10 minutes.
There is no session with a duration greater than or equal to 10 minutes and less than 15 minutes.
For session_id 5 has a duration greater than or equal to 15 minutes.