Design File System(LeetCode 1166):


You are asked to design a file system that allows you to create new paths and associate them with different values.

The format of a path is one or more concatenated strings of the form: / followed by one or more lowercase English letters. For example, "/leetcode" and "/leetcode/problems" are valid paths while an empty string "" and "/" are not.

Implement the FileSystem class:

  • bool createPath(string path, int value) Creates a new path and associates a value to it if possible and returns true. Returns false if the path already exists or its parent path doesn't exist.
  • int get(string path) Returns the value associated with path or returns -1 if the path doesn't exist.


Example 1:

FileSystem fileSystem = new FileSystem();

fileSystem.createPath("/a", 1); // return true
fileSystem.get("/a"); // return 1

Example 2:

FileSystem fileSystem = new FileSystem();

fileSystem.createPath("/leet", 1); // return true
fileSystem.createPath("/leet/code", 2); // return true
fileSystem.get("/leet/code"); // return 2
fileSystem.createPath("/c/d", 1); // return false because the parent path "/c" doesn't exist.
fileSystem.get("/c"); // return -1 because this path doesn't exist.



  • 2 <= path.length <= 100
  • 1 <= value <= 109
  • Each path is valid and consists of lowercase English letters and '/'.
  • At most 104 calls in total will be made to createPath and get.