Dinner Plate Stacks(LeetCode 1172):


You have an infinite number of stacks arranged in a row and numbered (left to right) from 0, each of the stacks has the same maximum capacity.

Implement the DinnerPlates class:

  • DinnerPlates(int capacity) Initializes the object with the maximum capacity of the stacks capacity.
  • void push(int val) Pushes the given integer val into the leftmost stack with a size less than capacity.
  • int pop() Returns the value at the top of the rightmost non-empty stack and removes it from that stack, and returns -1 if all the stacks are empty.
  • int popAtStack(int index) Returns the value at the top of the stack with the given index index and removes it from that stack or returns -1 if the stack with that given index is empty.


Example 1:

["DinnerPlates", "push", "push", "push", "push", "push", "popAtStack", "push", "push", "popAtStack", "popAtStack", "pop", "pop", "pop", "pop", "pop"]
[[2], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [0], [20], [21], [0], [2], [], [], [], [], []]
[null, null, null, null, null, null, 2, null, null, 20, 21, 5, 4, 3, 1, -1]

DinnerPlates D = DinnerPlates(2);  // Initialize with capacity = 2
D.push(5);         // The stacks are now:  2  4
                                           1  3  5
                                           ﹈ ﹈ ﹈
D.popAtStack(0);   // Returns 2.  The stacks are now:     4
                                                       1  3  5
                                                       ﹈ ﹈ ﹈
D.push(20);        // The stacks are now: 20  4
                                           1  3  5
                                           ﹈ ﹈ ﹈
D.push(21);        // The stacks are now: 20  4 21
                                           1  3  5
                                           ﹈ ﹈ ﹈
D.popAtStack(0);   // Returns 20.  The stacks are now:     4 21
                                                        1  3  5
                                                        ﹈ ﹈ ﹈
D.popAtStack(2);   // Returns 21.  The stacks are now:     4
                                                        1  3  5
                                                        ﹈ ﹈ ﹈ 
D.pop()            // Returns 5.  The stacks are now:      4
                                                        1  3 
                                                        ﹈ ﹈  
D.pop()            // Returns 4.  The stacks are now:   1  3 
                                                        ﹈ ﹈   
D.pop()            // Returns 3.  The stacks are now:   1 
D.pop()            // Returns 1.  There are no stacks.
D.pop()            // Returns -1.  There are still no stacks.



  • 1 <= capacity <= 2 * 104
  • 1 <= val <= 2 * 104
  • 0 <= index <= 105
  • At most 2 * 105 calls will be made to push, pop, and popAtStack.