Find Candidates for Data Scientist Position(LeetCode 3051):


Table: Candidates

| Column Name  | Type    | 
| candidate_id | int     | 
| skill        | varchar |
(candidate_id, skill) is the primary key (columns with unique values) for this table.
Each row includes candidate_id and skill.

Write a query to find the candidates best suited for a Data Scientist position. The candidate must be proficient in Python, Tableau, and PostgreSQL.

Return the result table ordered by candidate_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Candidates table:
| candidate_id  | skill        | 
| 123           | Python       |
| 234           | R            | 
| 123           | Tableau      | 
| 123           | PostgreSQL   | 
| 234           | PowerBI      | 
| 234           | SQL Server   | 
| 147           | Python       | 
| 147           | Tableau      | 
| 147           | Java         |
| 147           | PostgreSQL   |
| 256           | Tableau      |
| 102           | DataAnalysis |
| candidate_id |  
| 123          |  
| 147          | 
- Candidates 123 and 147 possess the necessary skills in Python, Tableau, and PostgreSQL for the data scientist position.
- Candidates 234 and 102 do not possess any of the required skills for this position.
- Candidate 256 has proficiency in Tableau but is missing skills in Python and PostgreSQL.
The output table is sorted by candidate_id in ascending order.