Flatten 2D Vector(LeetCode 251):


Design an iterator to flatten a 2D vector. It should support the next and hasNext operations.

Implement the Vector2D class:

  • Vector2D(int[][] vec) initializes the object with the 2D vector vec.
  • next() returns the next element from the 2D vector and moves the pointer one step forward. You may assume that all the calls to next are valid.
  • hasNext() returns true if there are still some elements in the vector, and false otherwise.


Example 1:

["Vector2D", "next", "next", "next", "hasNext", "hasNext", "next", "hasNext"]
[[[[1, 2], [3], [4]]], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]
[null, 1, 2, 3, true, true, 4, false]

Vector2D vector2D = new Vector2D([[1, 2], [3], [4]]);
vector2D.next();    // return 1
vector2D.next();    // return 2
vector2D.next();    // return 3
vector2D.hasNext(); // return True
vector2D.hasNext(); // return True
vector2D.next();    // return 4
vector2D.hasNext(); // return False



  • 0 <= vec.length <= 200
  • 0 <= vec[i].length <= 500
  • -500 <= vec[i][j] <= 500
  • At most 105 calls will be made to next and hasNext.


Follow up: As an added challenge, try to code it using only iterators in C++ or iterators in Java.