Flight Occupancy and Waitlist Analysis(LeetCode 2783):


Table: Flights

| Column Name | Type |
| flight_id   | int  |
| capacity    | int  |
flight_id is the column with unique values for this table.
Each row of this table contains flight id and its capacity.

Table: Passengers

| Column Name  | Type |
| passenger_id | int  |
| flight_id    | int  |
passenger_id is the column with unique values for this table.
Each row of this table contains passenger id and flight id.

Passengers book tickets for flights in advance. If a passenger books a ticket for a flight and there are still empty seats available on the flight, the passenger ticket will be confirmed. However, the passenger will be on a waitlist if the flight is already at full capacity.

Write a solution to report the number of passengers who successfully booked a flight (got a seat) and the number of passengers who are on the waitlist for each flight.

Return the result table ordered by flight_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Flights table:
| flight_id | capacity |
| 1         | 2        |
| 2         | 2        |
| 3         | 1        |
Passengers table:
| passenger_id | flight_id |
| 101          | 1         |
| 102          | 1         |
| 103          | 1         |
| 104          | 2         |
| 105          | 2         |
| 106          | 3         |
| 107          | 3         |
| flight_id | booked_cnt | waitlist_cnt |
| 1         | 2          | 1            |
| 2         | 2          | 0            |
| 3         | 1          | 1            |
- Flight 1 has a capacity of 2. As there are 3 passengers who have booked tickets, only 2 passengers can get a seat. Therefore, 2 passengers are successfully booked, and 1 passenger is on the waitlist.
- Flight 2 has a capacity of 2. Since there are exactly 2 passengers who booked tickets, everyone can secure a seat. As a result, 2 passengers successfully booked their seats and there are no passengers on the waitlist.
- Flight 3 has a capacity of 1. As there are 2 passengers who have booked tickets, only 1 passenger can get a seat. Therefore, 1 passenger is successfully booked, and 1 passenger is on the waitlist.