Highest Grade For Each Student(LeetCode 1112):


Table: Enrollments

| Column Name   | Type    |
| student_id    | int     |
| course_id     | int     |
| grade         | int     |
(student_id, course_id) is the primary key (combination of columns with unique values) of this table.
grade is never NULL.


Write a solution to find the highest grade with its corresponding course for each student. In case of a tie, you should find the course with the smallest course_id.

Return the result table ordered by student_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Enrollments table:
| student_id | course_id | grade |
| 2          | 2         | 95    |
| 2          | 3         | 95    |
| 1          | 1         | 90    |
| 1          | 2         | 99    |
| 3          | 1         | 80    |
| 3          | 2         | 75    |
| 3          | 3         | 82    |
| student_id | course_id | grade |
| 1          | 2         | 99    |
| 2          | 2         | 95    |
| 3          | 3         | 82    |