Matrix Similarity After Cyclic Shifts(LeetCode 2946):


You are given an m x n integer matrix mat and an integer k. The matrix rows are 0-indexed.

The following proccess happens k times:

  • Even-indexed rows (0, 2, 4, ...) are cyclically shifted to the left.

  • Odd-indexed rows (1, 3, 5, ...) are cyclically shifted to the right.

Return true if the final modified matrix after k steps is identical to the original matrix, and false otherwise.


Example 1:

Input: mat = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], k = 4

Output: false


In each step left shift is applied to rows 0 and 2 (even indices), and right shift to row 1 (odd index).

Example 2:

Input: mat = [[1,2,1,2],[5,5,5,5],[6,3,6,3]], k = 2

Output: true


Example 3:

Input: mat = [[2,2],[2,2]], k = 3

Output: true


As all the values are equal in the matrix, even after performing cyclic shifts the matrix will remain the same.



  • 1 <= mat.length <= 25
  • 1 <= mat[i].length <= 25
  • 1 <= mat[i][j] <= 25
  • 1 <= k <= 50