Maximum Coins Heroes Can Collect(LeetCode 2838):


There is a battle and n heroes are trying to defeat m monsters. You are given two 1-indexed arrays of positive integers heroes and monsters of length n and m, respectively. heroes[i] is the power of ith hero, and monsters[i] is the power of ith monster.

The ith hero can defeat the jth monster if monsters[j] <= heroes[i].

You are also given a 1-indexed array coins of length m consisting of positive integers. coins[i] is the number of coins that each hero earns after defeating the ith monster.

Return an array ans of length n where ans[i] is the maximum number of coins that the ith hero can collect from this battle.


  • The health of a hero doesn't get reduced after defeating a monster.
  • Multiple heroes can defeat a monster, but each monster can be defeated by a given hero only once.


Example 1:

Input: heroes = [1,4,2], monsters = [1,1,5,2,3], coins = [2,3,4,5,6]
Output: [5,16,10]
Explanation: For each hero, we list the index of all the monsters he can defeat:
1st hero: [1,2] since the power of this hero is 1 and monsters[1], monsters[2] <= 1. So this hero collects coins[1] + coins[2] = 5 coins.
2nd hero: [1,2,4,5] since the power of this hero is 4 and monsters[1], monsters[2], monsters[4], monsters[5] <= 4. So this hero collects coins[1] + coins[2] + coins[4] + coins[5] = 16 coins.
3rd hero: [1,2,4] since the power of this hero is 2 and monsters[1], monsters[2], monsters[4] <= 2. So this hero collects coins[1] + coins[2] + coins[4] = 10 coins.
So the answer would be [5,16,10].

Example 2:

Input: heroes = [5], monsters = [2,3,1,2], coins = [10,6,5,2]
Output: [23]
Explanation: This hero can defeat all the monsters since monsters[i] <= 5. So he collects all of the coins: coins[1] + coins[2] + coins[3] + coins[4] = 23, and the answer would be [23].

Example 3:

Input: heroes = [4,4], monsters = [5,7,8], coins = [1,1,1]
Output: [0,0]
Explanation: In this example, no hero can defeat a monster. So the answer would be [0,0],



  • 1 <= n == heroes.length <= 105
  • 1 <= m == monsters.length <= 105
  • coins.length == m
  • 1 <= heroes[i], monsters[i], coins[i] <= 109