Minimum Time to Eat All Grains(LeetCode 2604):


There are n hens and m grains on a line. You are given the initial positions of the hens and the grains in two integer arrays hens and grains of size n and m respectively.

Any hen can eat a grain if they are on the same position. The time taken for this is negligible. One hen can also eat multiple grains.

In 1 second, a hen can move right or left by 1 unit. The hens can move simultaneously and independently of each other.

Return the minimum time to eat all grains if the hens act optimally.


Example 1:

Input: hens = [3,6,7], grains = [2,4,7,9]
Output: 2
One of the ways hens eat all grains in 2 seconds is described below:
- The first hen eats the grain at position 2 in 1 second. 
- The second hen eats the grain at position 4 in 2 seconds. 
- The third hen eats the grains at positions 7 and 9 in 2 seconds. 
So, the maximum time needed is 2.
It can be proven that the hens cannot eat all grains before 2 seconds.

Example 2:

Input: hens = [4,6,109,111,213,215], grains = [5,110,214]
Output: 1
One of the ways hens eat all grains in 1 second is described below:
- The first hen eats the grain at position 5 in 1 second. 
- The fourth hen eats the grain at position 110 in 1 second.
- The sixth hen eats the grain at position 214 in 1 second. 
- The other hens do not move. 
So, the maximum time needed is 1.



  • 1 <= hens.length, grains.length <= 2*104
  • 0 <= hens[i], grains[j] <= 109