Status of Flight Tickets(LeetCode 2793):


Table: Flights

| Column Name | Type |
| flight_id   | int  |
| capacity    | int  |
flight_id column contains distinct values.
Each row of this table contains flight id and capacity.

Table: Passengers

| Column Name  | Type     |
| passenger_id | int      |
| flight_id    | int      |
| booking_time | datetime |
passenger_id column contains distinct values.
booking_time column contains distinct values.
Each row of this table contains passenger id, booking time, and their flight id.

Passengers book tickets for flights in advance. If a passenger books a ticket for a flight and there are still empty seats available on the flight, the passenger's ticket will be confirmed. However, the passenger will be on a waitlist if the flight is already at full capacity.

Write a solution to determine the current status of flight tickets for each passenger.

Return the result table ordered by passenger_id in ascending order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Flights table:
| flight_id | capacity |
| 1         | 2        |
| 2         | 2        |
| 3         | 1        |
Passengers table:
| passenger_id | flight_id | booking_time        |
| 101          | 1         | 2023-07-10 16:30:00 |
| 102          | 1         | 2023-07-10 17:45:00 |
| 103          | 1         | 2023-07-10 12:00:00 |
| 104          | 2         | 2023-07-05 13:23:00 |
| 105          | 2         | 2023-07-05 09:00:00 |
| 106          | 3         | 2023-07-08 11:10:00 |
| 107          | 3         | 2023-07-08 09:10:00 |
| passenger_id | Status    |
| 101          | Confirmed | 
| 102          | Waitlist  | 
| 103          | Confirmed | 
| 104          | Confirmed | 
| 105          | Confirmed | 
| 106          | Waitlist  | 
| 107          | Confirmed | 
- Flight 1 has a capacity of 2 passengers. Passenger 101 and Passenger 103 were the first to book tickets, securing the available seats. Therefore, their bookings are confirmed. However, Passenger 102 was the third person to book a ticket for this flight, which means there are no more available seats. Passenger 102 is now placed on the waitlist, 
- Flight 2 has a capacity of 2 passengers, Flight 2 has exactly two passengers who booked tickets,  Passenger 104 and Passenger 105. Since the number of passengers who booked tickets matches the available seats, both bookings are confirmed.
- Flight 3 has a capacity of 1 passenger. Passenger 107 booked earlier and secured the only available seat, confirming their booking. Passenger 106, who booked after Passenger 107, is on the waitlist.