The Number of Rich Customers(LeetCode 2082):


Table: Store

| Column Name | Type |
| bill_id     | int  |
| customer_id | int  |
| amount      | int  |
bill_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
Each row contains information about the amount of one bill and the customer associated with it.


Write a solution to report the number of customers who had at least one bill with an amount strictly greater than 500.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Store table:
| bill_id | customer_id | amount |
| 6       | 1           | 549    |
| 8       | 1           | 834    |
| 4       | 2           | 394    |
| 11      | 3           | 657    |
| 13      | 3           | 257    |
| rich_count |
| 2          |
Customer 1 has two bills with amounts strictly greater than 500.
Customer 2 does not have any bills with an amount strictly greater than 500.
Customer 3 has one bill with an amount strictly greater than 500.