Time to Cross a Bridge(LeetCode 2532):


There are k workers who want to move n boxes from the right (old) warehouse to the left (new) warehouse. You are given the two integers n and k, and a 2D integer array time of size k x 4 where time[i] = [righti, picki, lefti, puti].

The warehouses are separated by a river and connected by a bridge. Initially, all k workers are waiting on the left side of the bridge. To move the boxes, the ith worker can do the following:

  • Cross the bridge to the right side in righti minutes.
  • Pick a box from the right warehouse in picki minutes.
  • Cross the bridge to the left side in lefti minutes.
  • Put the box into the left warehouse in puti minutes.

The ith worker is less efficient than the jth worker if either condition is met:

  • lefti + righti > leftj + rightj
  • lefti + righti == leftj + rightj and i > j

The following rules regulate the movement of the workers through the bridge:

  • Only one worker can use the bridge at a time.
  • When the bridge is unused prioritize the least efficient worker on the right side to cross. If there are no workers on the right side, prioritize the least efficient worker on the left side to cross.

Return the elapsed minutes at which the last box reaches the left side of the bridge.


Example 1:

Input: n = 1, k = 3, time = [[1,1,2,1],[1,1,3,1],[1,1,4,1]]

Output: 6


From 0 to 1 minutes: worker 2 crosses the bridge to the right.
From 1 to 2 minutes: worker 2 picks up a box from the right warehouse.
From 2 to 6 minutes: worker 2 crosses the bridge to the left.
From 6 to 7 minutes: worker 2 puts a box at the left warehouse.
The whole process ends after 7 minutes. We return 6 because the problem asks for the instance of time at which the last worker reaches the left side of the bridge.

Example 2:

Input: n = 3, k = 2, time = [[1,9,1,8],[10,10,10,10]]

Output: 50


From 0  to 10: worker 1 crosses the bridge to the right.
From 10 to 20: worker 1 picks up a box from the right warehouse.
From 10 to 11: worker 0 crosses the bridge to the right.
From 11 to 20: worker 0 picks up a box from the right warehouse.
From 20 to 30: worker 1 crosses the bridge to the left.
From 30 to 40: worker 1 puts a box at the left warehouse.
From 30 to 31: worker 0 crosses the bridge to the left.
From 31 to 39: worker 0 puts a box at the left warehouse.
From 39 to 40: worker 0 crosses the bridge to the right.
From 40 to 49: worker 0 picks up a box from the right warehouse.
From 49 to 50: worker 0 crosses the bridge to the left.



  • 1 <= n, k <= 104
  • time.length == k
  • time[i].length == 4
  • 1 <= leftToRighti, pickOldi, rightToLefti, putNewi <= 1000