Fenwick Tree (BIT Tree)
A Fenwick tree of array A[] is a tree stored in a 1-based array F[], where F[i] stores the sum of A[i] and x - 1 preceding numbers. Here x is the place value of the right most 1 of binary representation of i. For example
- F[5] stores sum of value of A[5] because 5 is 0101, place value of right most 1 is 1
- F[6] stores sum of A[5] and A[6] because 6 is 0110, place value of right most 1 is 2
- F[8] stores sum of A[1] thru A[8] because 8 is 1000, place value of right most 1 is 8
Because most operations of a Fenwick tree is related to binary representation of the index value, therefore Fenwick tree is also called Binary Index Tree (BIT). Note that a BIT is not necessarily a binary tree.
Fenwick tree operations
- Init F[] from number list A[]:
Dijkstra: Shortest Path Between Nodes
Limitation: Edge weights must be positive
- Use two dictionary: visited and distances. visited[x] = True if shortest path to x has been found. distances[x] stores shortest path to x found so far. Initialize visited to all false, and distances to infinity except distances[source] = 0
- Find smallest non-visited node y in distances, and mark it as visited. Break if all nodes have been visited or shortest distance is infinity
- Check all out-going edges y-z of y, and check if going through y to z shortens distances[z]
- Go back to 1 and repeat
Improve performance by using a priority queue to find the next shortest path.