Two Pointers



Pointers are important in traversing through arrays, linked lists, matrices, and strings. The two pointer approach, as the name sounds, uses two pointers together. It may sound trivial moving from a single pointer to two pointers, however, in practice this does a lot of magic in solving computing problems.

Varieties of two pointer techniques

There are at least two typical cases of using two pointers:

First, opposing pointers: p1 points to the start, p2 points to the end. Both moving towards each other. A typical example of this two pointer approach is string reversal: p1 points to the start of a string, p2 points to the end of the string, swap chars at p1 and p2, then move p1 and p2 until they meet.

Second, fast-and-slow-pointers: p1 and p2 both point to the start, p1 is slower while p2 is faster. One example of using the slow-fast-pointers technique is in the loop detection: To find a loop in a singly-linked list, p1 and p2 both start at the head node of a singly linked list, with p2 going twice as fast as p2. They will eventually meet each other when there is a loop. If they don't meet, then there's no loop. This is also called the Floyd's loop detection algorithm. In addition to find the length of the loop, let p2 stop at the meeting node, and let p1 continue moving while counting. When p1 meets p2 again, the counter is the length of the loop.
